• Cisco CSB SG300-10PP 10-Port GIGABIT
  • Cisco CSB SG300-10PP 10-Port GIGABIT

Cisco CSB SG300-10PP 10-Port GIGABIT

Category Routers & Networking
Brand Cisco
In Stock
Condition Fulfilled by Amazon
Shipping Cost $1.00 per unit
Est. Az Price n/a
MSRP $294.99
UPC 065030851541, 882658595004, 882658595011
GTIN 00882658595004
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Additional Details

The SG300-10PP is a compact, desktop PoE+ switch, with 8 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports with 62W power budget, and 2 Combo mini-GBIC ports.. It is powered by a 48V/54V external power supply.

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