Death By Audio Echo Master Vocal Delay Share

Death By Audio Echo Master Vocal Delay

SKU 888 B07C32G4BC US
Category Musical Instruments
In Stock
Condition Fulfilled by Amazon
Shipping Cost $1.00 per unit
Est. Az Price $300.00
MSRP $288.99
UPC 720259973120, 720260152287
GTIN n/a
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Estimated Az Buy Box: * $300.00
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Az Offers: 5

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Additional Details

Designed specifically for vocals; Lofi tape-style vocal delay; Vocal preamp for live & studio w/ matched set of Bourns transformers; Ability to push delay chip to and past the limit, "red zone" on pedal graphic indicates delay chip overload; Master effects loop to integrate other pedals into vocal signal path even when delay MIX is down; top-quality Neutrik XLR jacks; optional mic stand clip keeps Echo Master within reach during performances; Lifetime guarantee; handmade in Queens, NYC, USA

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