Kidde i9010 10-Year Sealed Lithium Battery-Operated Smoke Alarm with Memory and Smart Hush
SKU | 888 B0009RWK52 US |
Category | Other |
In Stock | |
Condition | Fulfilled by Amazon |
Shipping Cost | $1.00 per unit |
Est. Az Price | $24.27 |
MSRP | $28.99 |
UPC | 047871000576, 047871051175, 047871901364 |
GTIN | 00047871901364, 10047871901361 |
Note: The displayed images and UPC may not be correct for all items in our inventory. |
Marketplace Data
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Estimated Az Buy Box: * | $24.27 |
Az sales rank: | 302 |
Az Offers: | 10 |
ASIN: | B0009RWK52 |
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Additional Details
- Sealed-In 10-year Lithium Battery
- Hush
- Alarm Memory
- Tamper Resist feature
- End of Life Warning
- UL 217 Listed
- Sealed in lithium battery never replace battery over the ten-year life of the alarm
- Self activation alarm automatically activates when securely attached to the mounting bracket
- Smart hush temporarily silences nuisance alarms and will not allow hush mode to be activated unless the unit is in alarm mode
- Rapidly flashing red LED alerts the user if the alarm has sounded since the last time the test reset button was used
- Kidde’s smoke alarms meet the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories (UL), an independent facility that tests products for compliance with widely-accepted safety standards
- Material: Plastic
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