• Maui Jim Men's and Women's Ah Dang! Polarized Fashion Sunglasses, Matte Black/Blue Hawaii, Medium
  • Maui Jim Men's and Women's Ah Dang! Polarized Fashion Sunglasses, Matte Black/Blue Hawaii, Medium
  • Maui Jim Men's and Women's Ah Dang! Polarized Fashion Sunglasses, Matte Black/Blue Hawaii, Medium
  • Maui Jim Men's and Women's Ah Dang! Polarized Fashion Sunglasses, Matte Black/Blue Hawaii, Medium
  • Maui Jim Men's and Women's Ah Dang! Polarized Fashion Sunglasses, Matte Black/Blue Hawaii, Medium

Maui Jim Men's and Women's Ah Dang! Polarized Fashion Sunglasses, Matte Black/Blue Hawaii, Medium

Category Sunglasses
Brand Maui Jim
Size Medium
In Stock
Condition Fulfilled by Amazon
Shipping Cost $1.00 per unit
Est. Az Price n/a
MSRP $174.99
UPC 603429011456, 603429050993
GTIN n/a
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Fulfilled by Amazon

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*Estimated Buy Box price of Maui Jim Men's and Women's Ah Dang! Polarized Fashion Sunglasses, Matte Black/Blue Hawaii, Medium. Actual price may vary. Az prices is subject to change without prior notice due to regular price updates from Az and its vendors. We make every effort to update the prices regularly. However, please note that we cannot confirm the accuracy of this information and the product details.

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Estimated Az Buy Box: * Currently we don't have any Az data for this item.
Az sales rank: 13017
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Additional Details

  • Click the Maui Jim link above to visit our brand store, where you can find our entire catalog of sunglasses
  • All Maui Jim sunglasses feature PolarizedPlus2 lens technology that go beyond shielding your eyes from glare and harmful UV rays by enhancing colors to reveal the true beauty of the world around you
  • Enjoy ultimate UV protection combined with premuim style, incredible durability, glare-free vision, and color-boosting patented technologies
  • Blue Hawaii - Our blue mirror coating provides a stylish new look that offers the same amazing color enhancement and clarity as all other Maui Jim lenses.
  • Frames constructed from lightweight, injected nylon, designed for extreme comfort and extended wear time
  • Material: Nylon frame

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