Range Technology RA003G AFM/DFM Disabler-Green
SKU | 888 B08941DGJP US |
Category | Automotive |
In Stock | |
Condition | Fulfilled by Amazon |
Shipping Cost | $1.00 per unit |
Est. Az Price | $236.95 |
MSRP | $192.99 |
UPC | 860001992704, 860001618631 |
GTIN | 00860001618631 |
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Marketplace Data
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Estimated Az Buy Box: * | $236.95 |
Az sales rank: | 116 |
Az Offers: | 16 |
ASIN: | B08941DGJP |
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Additional Details
- Leaves no trace. Unplug it to return to factory settings
- Range AFM/DFM Disabler keeps you in full power 100% of the time.
- Simply plug into your onboard OBD-II port and it instantly begins working to eliminate the AFM/DFM system.
- The power and control you need in any situation.
- The Range AFM/DFM Disabler does not reprogram your factory ECU.
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