Ring Doorbell Chime Wi-Fi Share

Ring Doorbell Chime Wi-Fi

Category Tools & Home Improvement
In Stock
Condition Brand New
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MSRP $60.99
UPC 852239005109
GTIN n/a
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Additional Details

Product Overview Chime connects to all your Ring devices and amplifies your Ring notifications. Simply plug Chime into any standard power outlet, connect it to your home Wi-Fi and all your Ring devices. You’ll get Ring notifications in any room of your home – even if you’re not near your phone. Comes with multiple alert tones, so you can select your favorite Easily control the volume of your notifications with the free Ring app Use Do Not Disturb mode to get some peace and quiet Plugs into any standard power outlet Connects to an unlimited amount of Ring Video Doorbells, Ring Security Cameras and Ring Chimes Requires Wi-Fi connection Compatible with iOS, Android, Mac and Windows 10 devices

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