• Liphontcta RER Wheel tire Chock, 2 Sets, for RV Safety, levering System, Heavy Duty Garden Sculpture Outdoor Decoration
  • Liphontcta RER Wheel tire Chock, 2 Sets, for RV Safety, levering System, Heavy Duty Garden Sculpture Outdoor Decoration
  • Liphontcta RER Wheel tire Chock, 2 Sets, for RV Safety, levering System, Heavy Duty Garden Sculpture Outdoor Decoration
  • Liphontcta RER Wheel tire Chock, 2 Sets, for RV Safety, levering System, Heavy Duty Garden Sculpture Outdoor Decoration
  • Liphontcta RER Wheel tire Chock, 2 Sets, for RV Safety, levering System, Heavy Duty Garden Sculpture Outdoor Decoration

Liphontcta RER Wheel tire Chock, 2 Sets, for RV Safety, levering System, Heavy Duty Garden Sculpture Outdoor Decoration

SKU 888 B08C77367R US
Category Automotive
In Stock
Condition Fulfilled by Amazon
Shipping Cost $1.00 per unit
Est. Az Price $52.99
MSRP $96.99
UPC 778942715497
GTIN n/a
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*Estimated Buy Box price of Liphontcta RER Wheel tire Chock, 2 Sets, for RV Safety, levering System, Heavy Duty Garden Sculpture Outdoor Decoration. Actual price may vary. Az prices is subject to change without prior notice due to regular price updates from Az and its vendors. We make every effort to update the prices regularly. However, please note that we cannot confirm the accuracy of this information and the product details.

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Estimated Az Buy Box: * $52.99
Az sales rank: 209
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ASIN: B08C77367R

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Additional Details

  • x chocks wheel stabilizer for travel trailers, Class A Moto home, Fifth wheel trailer, Travel Trailer, Toy Hauler etc
  • Metal corrosion inhibitor treated, with maximum corrosion resistant barrier coating for outdoor use
  • Camper wheel chock, wheel chock stabilizer, x stabilizer chock
  • The manufacturer has more than 26 years of experience in auto parts manufacturing
  • Two Packs in one box, rv tire chalks, rv chocks blocks for camping life
  • Material: Alloy Steel
Garden sculpture outdoor decoration, suitable for terraces, balconies, courtyards, housewarming, lawn decoration, and outdoor lawn decoration

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