SPANX Undie-tectable(R) Thong Luxe Lilac LG Share

SPANX Undie-tectable(R) Thong Luxe Lilac LG

SKU 888 B09S62X6R8 US
Category Women’s Clothing
Size Large
In Stock
Condition Fulfilled by Amazon
Shipping Cost $1.00 per unit
Est. Az Price n/a
MSRP $24.00
UPC 843953012736, 843953423690
GTIN n/a
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*Estimated Buy Box price of SPANX Undie-tectable(R) Thong Luxe Lilac LG. Actual price may vary. Az prices is subject to change without prior notice due to regular price updates from Az and its vendors. We make every effort to update the prices regularly. However, please note that we cannot confirm the accuracy of this information and the product details.

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Estimated Az Buy Box: * Currently we don't have any Az data for this item.
Az sales rank: 700
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ASIN: B09S62X6R8

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Additional Details

  • Style Number: SP0115.
  • Looking for a nice rear view? Get your butt in Undie-tectable. These undies solve all of your VPL (Visible Panty Lines) woes and are totally invisible under clothes. Elastic-free edges and a bonded waistband make these next-to-nothing panties truly U
  • INVISIBLE - These undies solve all VPL woes and are totally invisible under clothes.
  • ELASTIC-FREE- makes these next-to-nothing panties truly Undie-Tectable.
  • Material: Spandex

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