• U.S. Pool Supply 1-1/2" x 30 Foot Professional Heavy Duty Spiral Wound Swimming Pool Vacuum Hose with Kink-Free Swivel Cuff, Flexible - Connect to Vacuum Heads, Skimmer, Filter Pump Inlet, Accessories
  • U.S. Pool Supply 1-1/2" x 30 Foot Professional Heavy Duty Spiral Wound Swimming Pool Vacuum Hose with Kink-Free Swivel Cuff, Flexible - Connect to Vacuum Heads, Skimmer, Filter Pump Inlet, Accessories

U.S. Pool Supply 1-1/2" x 30 Foot Professional Heavy Duty Spiral Wound Swimming Pool Vacuum Hose with Kink-Free Swivel Cuff, Flexible - Connect to Vacuum Heads, Skimmer, Filter Pump Inlet, Accessories

SKU 888 B0721NDVL8 US
Category Patio, Lawn & Garden
In Stock
Condition Fulfilled by Amazon
Shipping Cost $1.00 per unit
Est. Az Price $43.99
Est. Walmart Price $9.99
MSRP $54.99
UPC 848849010688, 848849008180
GTIN n/a
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*Estimated Buy Box price of U.S. Pool Supply 1-1/2" x 30 Foot Professional Heavy Duty Spiral Wound Swimming Pool Vacuum Hose with Kink-Free Swivel Cuff, Flexible - Connect to Vacuum Heads, Skimmer, Filter Pump Inlet, Accessories. Actual price may vary. Az prices is subject to change without prior notice due to regular price updates from Az and its vendors. We make every effort to update the prices regularly. However, please note that we cannot confirm the accuracy of this information and the product details.

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Estimated Az Buy Box: * $43.99
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Est. Price $9.99
Rating: 4.7

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Additional Details

  • Professional heavy duty 1-1/2" (38mm) x 30 foot (9m) spiral wound swimming pool vacuum hose with kink-free swivel cuff.
  • A strong, flexible spiral wound crush-resistant hose that is built to last for many years! It's constructed with durable EVA material that is UV and chemical-resistant with an abrasion-resistant outer shell.
  • The swivel cuff allows for kink-free maneuverability with no tangles. Connect the swivel cuff directly onto the vacuum head or accessory and connect the non-swivel end to the skimmer or pump inlet.
  • This premium high-performance hose provides the maximum flow rate and allows for the proper full suction, so you can keep your pool clean and ready for use, and you can focus on what's most important, enjoying your pool!
  • Buy with Confidence: Backed by a trusted brand dedicated to your satisfaction, we ensure a hassle-free experience every time.
  • Material: Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA)

U.S. Pool Supply 1-1/2" x 30 Foot Professional Heavy Duty Spiral Wound Swimming Pool Vacuum Hose with Kink-Free Swivel Cuff, Flexible

UV, Chemical, Crush and Abrasion-Resistant Hose
Professional heavy duty 1-1/2" (38mm) x 30 foot (9m) spiral wound swimming pool vacuum hose with kink-free swivel cuff. A strong, flexible spiral wound crush-resistant hose that is built to last for many years! It's constructed with durable EVA material that is UV and chemical-resistant with an abrasion-resistant outer shell.

Enjoy A Clean Pool
This premium high-performance hose provides the maximum flow rate and allows for the proper full suction, so you can keep your pool clean and ready for use, and you can focus on what's most important, enjoying your pool! The swivel cuff allows for kink-free maneuverability with no tangles. Connect the swivel cuff directly onto the vacuum head or accessory and connect the non-swivel end to the skimmer or pump inlet.

Our goal is to provide you the premium products you need to keep your pool clean and ready for use, so you can focus on what's most important, enjoying your pool!

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