• YETI Tundra 65 Cooler, Aquifer Blue
  • YETI Tundra 65 Cooler, Aquifer Blue
  • YETI Tundra 65 Cooler, Aquifer Blue
  • YETI Tundra 65 Cooler, Aquifer Blue
  • YETI Tundra 65 Cooler, Aquifer Blue

YETI Tundra 65 Cooler, Aquifer Blue

SKU 888 B08VF987P5 US
Category Outdoors
Brand Yeti
In Stock
Condition Fulfilled by Amazon
Shipping Cost $1.00 per unit
Est. Az Price n/a
MSRP $350.00
UPC 888829968384, 888830112939
GTIN n/a
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Estimated Az Buy Box: * Currently we don't have any Az data for this item.
Az sales rank: 41
Az Offers: 1
ASIN: B08VF987P5

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Additional Details

  • The YETI Tundra 65 is just as adept at keeping your catches cold in the field as it is storing the drinks and food for your backyard barbecue, this ice chest is plenty roomy, holding a limit of redfish or your prized brisket
  • Ice stays ice thanks to up to 3 inches of PermaFrost Insulation and an extra thick FatWall design is certified Bear-Resistant
  • The Rotomolded Construction makes the Tundra armored to the core and virtually indestructible so wherever you decide to take it, this portable cooler’s sturdy construction will stand up to the rigors of the journey
  • All Tundra coolers feature T-Rex Lid Latches constructed of heavy-duty rubber so you’ll never see another busted latch and has patented keeper technology
  • The Tundra 65 dimensions are 30 1/2 in long x 17 1/2 in wide x 16 in high with an empty weight of 29 lbs NOTE: All Tundra models come standard with one dry goods basket.
  • Material: Rubber Polyester Polyurethane (PU)

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